Command line optionsΒΆ

Below is a listing of Dynamic DynamoDB’s command line parameters.

usage: dynamic-dynamodb [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--dry-run] [--run-once]
                        [--check-interval CHECK_INTERVAL]
                        [--log-file LOG_FILE]
                        [--log-level {debug,info,warning,error}]
                        [--log-config-file LOG_CONFIG_FILE] [--version]
                        [--aws-access-key-id AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID]
                        [--aws-secret-access-key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]
                        [--daemon DAEMON] [--instance INSTANCE]
                        [--pid-file-dir PID_FILE_DIR] [-r REGION]
                        [-t TABLE_NAME]
                        [--reads-upper-threshold READS_UPPER_THRESHOLD]
                        [--throttled-reads-upper-threshold THROTTLED_READS_UPPER_THRESHOLD]
                        [--reads-lower-threshold READS_LOWER_THRESHOLD]
                        [--increase-reads-with INCREASE_READS_WITH]
                        [--decrease-reads-with DECREASE_READS_WITH]
                        [--increase-reads-unit INCREASE_READS_UNIT]
                        [--decrease-reads-unit DECREASE_READS_UNIT]
                        [--min-provisioned-reads MIN_PROVISIONED_READS]
                        [--max-provisioned-reads MAX_PROVISIONED_READS]
                        [--num-read-checks-before-scale-down NUM_READ_CHECKS_BEFORE_SCALE_DOWN]
                        [--num-read-checks-reset-percent NUM_READ_CHECKS_RESET_PERCENT]
                        [--writes-upper-threshold WRITES_UPPER_THRESHOLD]
                        [--throttled-writes-upper-threshold THROTTLED_WRITES_UPPER_THRESHOLD]
                        [--writes-lower-threshold WRITES_LOWER_THRESHOLD]
                        [--increase-writes-with INCREASE_WRITES_WITH]
                        [--decrease-writes-with DECREASE_WRITES_WITH]
                        [--increase-writes-unit INCREASE_WRITES_UNIT]
                        [--decrease-writes-unit DECREASE_WRITES_UNIT]
                        [--min-provisioned-writes MIN_PROVISIONED_WRITES]
                        [--max-provisioned-writes MAX_PROVISIONED_WRITES]
                        [--num-write-checks-before-scale-down NUM_WRITE_CHECKS_BEFORE_SCALE_DOWN]
                        [--num-write-checks-reset-percent NUM_WRITE_CHECKS_RESET_PERCENT]

Dynamic DynamoDB - Auto provisioning AWS DynamoDB

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Read configuration from a configuration file
  --dry-run             Run without making any changes to your DynamoDB table
  --run-once            Run once and then exit Dynamic DynamoDB, instead of
  --check-interval CHECK_INTERVAL
                        How many seconds should we wait between the checks
                        (default: 300)
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Send output to the given log file
  --log-level {debug,info,warning,error}
                        Log level to use (default: info)
  --log-config-file LOG_CONFIG_FILE
                        Use a custom Python logging configuration file.
                        Overrides both --log-level and --log-file.
  --version             Print current version number
  --aws-access-key-id AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
                        Override Boto configuration with the following AWS
                        access key
  --aws-secret-access-key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
                        Override Boto configuration with the following AWS
                        secret key

Daemon options:
  --daemon DAEMON       Run Dynamic DynamoDB in daemon mode. Valid modes are
  --instance INSTANCE   Name of the Dynamic DynamoDB instance. Used to run
                        multiple instances of Dynamic DynamoDB. Give each
                        instance a unique name and control them separately
                        with the --daemon flag. (default: default)
  --pid-file-dir PID_FILE_DIR
                        Directory where pid file is located in. Defaults to

DynamoDB options:
  -r REGION, --region REGION
                        AWS region to operate in (default: us-east-1
  -t TABLE_NAME, --table-name TABLE_NAME
                        How many percent should we decrease the read units

Read units scaling properties:
  --reads-upper-threshold READS_UPPER_THRESHOLD
                        Scale up the reads with --increase-reads-with percent
                        if the currently consumed read units reaches this many
                        percent (default: 90)
  --throttled-reads-upper-threshold THROTTLED_READS_UPPER_THRESHOLD
                        Scale up the reads with --increase-reads-with percent
                        if the count of throttled read events exceeds this
                        count (default: 100)
  --reads-lower-threshold READS_LOWER_THRESHOLD
                        Scale down the reads with --decrease-reads-with
                        percent if the currently consumed read units is as low
                        as this percentage (default: 30)
  --increase-reads-with INCREASE_READS_WITH
                        How many percent should we increase the read units
                        with? (default: 50, max: 100)
  --decrease-reads-with DECREASE_READS_WITH
                        How many percent should we decrease the read units
                        with? (default: 50)
  --increase-reads-unit INCREASE_READS_UNIT
                        Do you want to scale in percent or units? (default:
  --decrease-reads-unit DECREASE_READS_UNIT
                        Do you want to scale in percent or units? (default:
  --min-provisioned-reads MIN_PROVISIONED_READS
                        Minimum number of provisioned reads
  --max-provisioned-reads MAX_PROVISIONED_READS
                        Maximum number of provisioned reads
  --num-read-checks-before-scale-down NUM_READ_CHECKS_BEFORE_SCALE_DOWN
                        Number of consecutive checks that must meet criteria
                        before a scale down event occurs
  --num-read-checks-reset-percent NUM_READ_CHECKS_RESET_PERCENT
                        Percentage Value that will cause the
                        num_read_checks_before scale_down var to reset back to

Write units scaling properties:
  --writes-upper-threshold WRITES_UPPER_THRESHOLD
                        Scale up the writes with --increase-writes-with
                        percent if the currently consumed write units reaches
                        this many percent (default: 90)
  --throttled-writes-upper-threshold THROTTLED_WRITES_UPPER_THRESHOLD
                        Scale up the reads with --increase-writes-with percent
                        if the count of throttled write events exceeds this
                        count (default: 100)
  --writes-lower-threshold WRITES_LOWER_THRESHOLD
                        Scale down the writes with --decrease-writes-with
                        percent if the currently consumed write units is as
                        low as this percentage (default: 30)
  --increase-writes-with INCREASE_WRITES_WITH
                        How many percent should we increase the write units
                        with? (default: 50, max: 100)
  --decrease-writes-with DECREASE_WRITES_WITH
                        How many percent should we decrease the write units
                        with? (default: 50)
  --increase-writes-unit INCREASE_WRITES_UNIT
                        Do you want to scale in percent or units? (default:
  --decrease-writes-unit DECREASE_WRITES_UNIT
                        Do you want to scale in percent or units? (default:
  --min-provisioned-writes MIN_PROVISIONED_WRITES
                        Minimum number of provisioned writes
  --max-provisioned-writes MAX_PROVISIONED_WRITES
                        Maximum number of provisioned writes
  --num-write-checks-before-scale-down NUM_WRITE_CHECKS_BEFORE_SCALE_DOWN
                        Number of consecutive checks that must meet criteria
                        before a scale down event occurs
  --num-write-checks-reset-percent NUM_WRITE_CHECKS_RESET_PERCENT
                        Percentage Value that will cause the
                        num_write_checks_before scale_down var to reset back
                        to 0